By Magnus_the_Red - 09/09/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me she didn't want to get it on with me because she didn't want to "ruin my innocence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 613
You deserved it 3 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think to say "get it on with me" shows you should keep your innocence...

Pastor_Rich 0

that means she's banging someone else, run like the wind


chowyuk 0

go ruin your innocence on another girl then tell her your ready for her

Druu 53

Cutting off the nose to spite the face much?

Uepari 0

Well, then, sorry I jumped to conclusions, OP. It's probably you who's better off without her. She's a ****, and you should be glad you didn't have sex with her.

quit complaining. woild you rather have a common ****? come on dude, don't get so upset, if you're really 15 you should wait.

Magnus_the_Red 0

look again. im not 15. the 15 year old in question is someone who commented. but its whatever. i don't care.

Decs69 0

she just didn't want to give you aids!

Booglez 0

lmfao. I said that to my boyfriend!! kinda funny i saw this actually :P

triplethreat13 0

see, that's why i'll never date my best straight guy friend. he's so freaking innocent and wholehearted and good that it would be impossible. innocence is hard for girls, trust me!

well if she calls to explain the three some she just had. you don't want to be some one like that, if shes that much of a bitch.

Magnus_the_Red 0
Baselisk 0

well, that sucks.. you broke it off right? sounds like a class-A bitch