By Lovenem - 16/02/2011 17:51 - United States

Today, my girlfriend said "It's funny how every time we have sex I'm wearing these panties." We've been having sex every day for the last six days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 340
You deserved it 7 107

Same thing different taste

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I doubt she would mention it at all if it were the same exact pair of panties...Either a) she was exaggerating and this is only the second time in the past 6 days, assuming she's washed them at some point or b) she owns multiple pairs of the same style of panties. Or she's gross and disgusting, yeah, but somehow I doubt she'd own up to that...

I'm pretty sure she means the same kind of panties. I have a few pairs that are identical (same brand, fit, color etc.) because I like them so much. It's still little weird if she wore the same type six days in a row, but it was probably just a coincidence. I'm pretty sure she did not mean she's been wearing the literal same underwear for six days straight.

If I were you I would suck it up and enjoy the constant sex

Maybe they're her favourite and she washes them every night?

KrazyKatz3 26

Maybe she just really likes them and washes them every day?