
By hwat? - 09/05/2022 20:00 - United States - Denver

Today, my girlfriend and I were about to have sex for the first time when she revealed her underwear: boxer shorts. She said she wears them because they’re the only underwear that doesn’t ride up her ass crack. Completely killed the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 374
You deserved it 4 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TeaTimeAbyss 20

You sound too immature to have sex

You don’t deserve to be having sex if you have a problem with her wearing boxers. First of all, they are incredibly comfortable, and second of all, her underwear absolutely does not need to turn you on. Please grow up.


TeaTimeAbyss 20

You sound too immature to have sex

This reinforced my manchild free status.

You don’t deserve to be having sex if you have a problem with her wearing boxers. First of all, they are incredibly comfortable, and second of all, her underwear absolutely does not need to turn you on. Please grow up.

blargerpanda 13

Dude, boxers are sexy. Send her to me if you have an issue

What's wrong with her? Two words: Granny...panties... If granny panties don't do it for you, maybe you ought to turn in your Man Card.

So let's reverse the sexes here. Is everyone telling me that it would be perfectly fine if this was a guy wearing a thong because it was only that which prevented him from getting arse acne?

Pink_Turnips 14

i mean, if thats the reasoning... can you really be mad? it would make logical sense.

Madchick14 11

what the person is wearing isn't an issue for me. I wouldn't care about the reasoning behind it at all. my turn on is the connection I'd have with my partner, and the fact they want what I do too.

Crack acne from wearing a thong is worse than arse ache. Trust me 😂

ok as someone who hasn't had either please do tell I know it's weird but I'm too curious to know the differences between the two and why ones worse than the other. Like can you physically feel them? before you make fun of me I never had acne problems not even as a teenager.

I'm telling you it's perfectly fine if a guy wears lacy silk panties just because he likes how they feel on his junk.

100% your fault for asking why she was wearing a certain cut of underwear? Lmfao who does that??

Pink_Turnips 14

why do you care? they should've been on the floor and out of sight anyway.... you should stop having sex, you're doing it wrong.

That's my thinking. Sometimes it takes a little time to peel the outerwear off, but once you're down to underwear, it's a short hop to naked.

You could have been riding up in that ass crack… but noooo!

Why shame her for the clothes she chooses to wear? She is the only one that’s got to wear them, if that’s what she’s comfortable in let her be. It not like anyone else sees he in her underwear but you and her. Be grateful that she’s comfortable (and confident) in who she is and what she wears. I wear boxer briefs too, because they don’t ride and I don’t get lines, but most of all because they’re comfortable. You should apologize for making her feel bad - I guarantee you hurt her feelings.