By Keith walk - 12/02/2011 05:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's parents walked in on us having sex. Not only did her dad make me walk out to my truck with no clothes on, he is my baseball coach and I will be seeing him on Monday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 285
You deserved it 22 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, having sex with your coach's daughter wasn't a good idea in the first place.


goldfish78 11

uh oh! you're in big trouble kid. but don't ya worry "sex is better than drugs!" tell your coach that

OhFiona1 0

Looks like someone is gonna be a benchwarmer this season!

lololololol , well , that sucks ; fyl . shoulda thought about having sex somewhere else ..

That's why you don't get involved in relationships to people related to people you already have relationships with.. Before anyone flames me, it's perfectly fine to do it but if you're going to, you should expect something like this will happen at some point and not have to whine about it...

if I was the dad I would of pushed you into various hard objects like doors and tables then drag your body outside and continue to beat you till the could only recognize you by dental records

roydawgg 3

can you stupid kids not wait till you're 18? I didn't have sex till college and monks are virgins their whole lives. I'd kick you off the team if I was your coach. sex is an adult thing you are kids.

yazmi_09 3

how do you know op is a kid? and even if someones 18 that's doesn't mean they're mature enough, it's not like you have some epiphany at 18 where all of a sudden you know what's right and what isn't, as long as they're ready I don't see the prob

blondechick129 0

agree! 58 can u just stfu it's their choice...

DrCammaCazzi 0

#58 Kids don't drive cars. Why can't people just let people have sex? But boo-hoo, everyone has to be involved in the life of others. "Sex is an adult thing" That is your OPINION not a FACT. Teens have sex, and always have been.

just tell him you were practicing pitching it in the hole

mangythrashette 0

I still don't get why in America the legal age of consent is 18? It's ridiculous, I live in the UK and have been having sex since 16 (as that is the age of consent) I have never had any ill effects from this and use condoms and the pill just as much as I did then. I feel I could of had sex any age from 14 onwards and still not had any issues, however I had not found someone who I was willing to 'do it' with. Sex isn't bad and as long as those involved are sexually mature, definitely willing and safe then I see no reason that the law should be involved in whether someone is read or not.

egc573 40

Do your research before you spew on American issues of sex. Deciding the age of consent is a state thing, so it varies across the board. Ergo, there is no ONE age of consent for all Americans. Some states have the age locked at 18, true, but most of them have it at 16 or 17, just like your country. The only reason that people (even some Americans) THINK that it's 18 is because of American television, which is where I bet you got your "information" from. California's age of consent is 18, and seeing as how most American TV writers live in or are from California, the 18 problem is bound to come up. Teenagers don't care what the law says anyway. They've been consenting to sex before 16 and even 14, TRUST me.