By GirlishMan1883897 - 24/07/2010 10:53 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me because she said I was more of a woman than she was. I yelled out, "I HATE YOU!" and started to cry. She then took a tampon out of her purse, handed it to me, laughed, and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 127
You deserved it 74 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lindsaykae 0

hahahahahahahhaha man periods.

Emotions suck sometimes, especially when you can't control them. FYL but I understand your pain.


w00kye 0

pow right in the kisser by the gf

dude, its obvious your gay. you put ur gender as fenale and ur name is girlishman. i wouldnt want to have a bf that considers himself has a girl...

fml because you were dumped or because you're more of a girl than your ex?

ToxikFox 0

FYL. You deserve better. :( -hug- Feel better. I'm sure someone better will come along! I'll be rooting for ya, OP. <3

to everyone saying grow a pair, n shit about guys. does no one notice it says op is a woman? all i have to say.

I wana tie u to a radiator and grape u

186 is not only a pedophile with a preference for humor- or literacy-challenged young girls, but he also seems to have some sort of repressed fruit and HVAC device fetish. O.O