By shmarf - 20/06/2015 06:00 - United States - Belton

Today, my girlfriend gave me my first ever blowjob and she surprised me by deciding to swallow. Or so I thought. When she came up to kiss me, she spat my man-milk into my mouth and almost pissed herself laughing when I freaked out and nearly threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 806
You deserved it 19 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't know about the surprise spitting in his mouth, but me for one, I don't mind when my woman goes down on me and doesn't swallow but instead kisses me and we share, yes snowballing! I don't mind my own taste and she loves it when I go down on her after sex then kiss her. We both love the way each other and ourselves taste.

asm9296 3

Dude! You never kiss them after you finish.

"she tried to kid me after head I had to kick her out the bed" words to live by

Fetuskicker666 15
Camerone453 14

So now you know how girls feel when their bf wants them to swallow. It's ******* disgusting.

It isn't a debate on how the girl feels going down or how the guy feels going down. If a guy wants to go down on a girl because she wants it, then he loves her. If she is a squirter, and he continues, then he really loves her. If a guy wants a girl to go down on him, she loves him. If she swallows, she really loves him. It is not about if it is gross, it is about intimacy and what you are willing to do to show your love sexually. On a funny note, If you meet someone you are attracted too, ask if they spit, swallow, gargle or duck. If you are ok with their answer then they are dateable.

Tylamin 6

You got snowballed! ? happens to the best of us

Backboner 3

Lucky you it wasn't a threesome, and it's not from another man.