By shmarf - 20/06/2015 06:00 - United States - Belton

Today, my girlfriend gave me my first ever blowjob and she surprised me by deciding to swallow. Or so I thought. When she came up to kiss me, she spat my man-milk into my mouth and almost pissed herself laughing when I freaked out and nearly threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 806
You deserved it 19 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments


God damn. If that were me there would be one more single girl in this world. If I had the will power to not put her in a space shuttle and send it to the sun.

Well sometimes the truth is hard to swallow

Well if he didn't like it he could always spank her for doing it ;)

Diamond_don 18

Oh it's funny lol I've done it. Quiet amusing. But depends on the relationship you have with one another.

Honestly that was a bitch move. Not funny one bit. I know I’d be ******* pissed if anyone decided to spit anything in my mouth.

Chris_1163187222 15

I read this over a month ago.. as per usual a disappointment

"The gift that keeps on giving" just randomly crossed my mind.