By Anonymous - 16/01/2016 05:04 - United States - Placentia

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for another guy by text. I felt so betrayed, I stupidly tried to hurt her by replying that I'd been cheating on her all along with a hot babe. Turned out the dumping text was actually a prank by her friend. Now I'm single and everyone thinks I'm a cheater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 966
You deserved it 29 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't have thought that's the sort of reputation you'd want to give yourself even if your now-ex-girlfriend really did break up with you...


This one goes both ways. The chick seriously needs to check who she has as friends. People that do "prank" break ups are shitbags. Even moreso when it's with someone else's relationship. And op...I can understand the anger and feeling of betrayal, but come on bro, you had to resort to that??? Might want to seriously think before you act.

Big_Bear99 19

Hey, lesson learned for next time. Good luck out there!

As sad as it is, even if the break up was true, you certainly don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. Break ups are certainly never good, but you need to learn how to accept them.

You'd think maybe she'd take it better considering she just lied to you about a break up.

Thus OP learns the valuable life lesson "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Someone1111 22

Even if what she wrote wasn't a prank, why would you want to get yourself a reputation of a cheater?

Metallicality 5

Who in the absolute **** sends a break up text as a prank to their friends boyfriend and what kind of girlfriend allows it?

It was kind of immature of OP but so is that prank, i don't even know why people still do it. You can't just break someone's heart, say "just kidding" and expect everything to be just fine. Plus what kind of friend even does that ? How do you even think of these pranks ? Do these people realize what if feels like when you love someone and you receive a text saying they're leaving you or they cheated or they're dead. How is it fun to put someone through that ? How is it fun to permanently damage a relationship whether it's just friends or something more ?Someone please explain ?