By Nate - 12/01/2012 05:36 - United States

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because I have never read any of the Harry Potter books. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 776
You deserved it 59 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Could've been worse OP. It could've been the Twilight series. *shudders*

thesunsetglow_fml 8

183 - Your picture is of you shirtless in a bathroom mirror. You really aren't in a position to judge how shallow a person is.


yellowzinnias 20

Why are there more YDIs?! The Harry Potter series is EIGHTH GRADE reading level. Reading this series as an adult is not something that you should be bragging about, nor should you be judging those of us who choose to read on our actual comprehension level. OP, your girlfriend is a sad idiot, and I apologize on behalf of womankind.

Why judge a book by its intended reading age? Completely aside from the original post, block capsing the horror that is the notion of reading something is intended for those who are younger than you is pretty ridiculous. That a book or series was aimed at teenagers says nothing about the quality of the content, good or bad, and although such a book may use less sesquipedalian terminology than books aimed at adults... well, that doesn't mean they can't be intelligent, or indeed all around excellent. And making a pre-emptive strike, I'm not a vehement Harry Potter fan; if anything my favourite series aimed at teenagers is His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. If you've not read the trilogy and can overlook its READING AGE (block caps for emphasis) give it a go, you may be pleasantly surprised.

roonilwazlib 1

I love how more people chose 'you deserve it' or 'your life While I can't say I'd break up with someone for simply not habit read HP, I probably would if they absolutely hated it. Actually, I don't think I could think of dating anyone who hated

roonilwazlib 1

I love how more people chose 'you deserve it' over 'your life sucks' While I can't say I'd break up with someone for simply not having read HP, I probably would if they absolutely hated it. Actually, I don't believe I could think of dating anyone who hated HP in the first place.

lvl19virgin 0

That's completely reasonable and you should be ashamed

I think there might be another reason why your name is lvl19virgin.

silverphoenix 0

HP is the best! not saying she should have dumped you, bit at least she has her priorities straight

Speaking of priorities, you should figure out yours when you turn 13.

Are there seriously more YDI's than YLS's? This just proves how sane the HP fandom is. And I thought that Bronies and Sonic fans were bad... OP, I feel you. I tried to read the HP books but I gave up after less than 100 pages. And I always fall asleep while watching the movies. FYL for having an asshole girlfriend.

phantumgrey 6

Sounds like she spends too much time reading in the kitchen. Tell her it's for cooking

The second part of your name is what you are. Trash.

lowie89 7

Your better off then having a Harry Potter freak gf the only thing worse is a twilight freak! Haha but don't worry op I'm sure you could find someone else