By Anonymous - 06/08/2019 20:00 - United States

Today, I was feeling sick and ended up throwing up as soon as I got home. My mother's first question was an accusatory, "What have you been drinking?" I was returning from the AA meeting I have been attending for over a month. I go because I'm afraid I'll become an alcoholic like her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 754
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you attended any Al-Anon meetings (held worldwide) for family members, relatives, & friends of alcoholics to explain their behaviors and to teach you how to adjust your own thinking/ behaviors accordingly for your own sake (and hopefully theirs - if they choose to do so)? I'm sure that they must also address the fear of becoming an alcoholic while living with one. However, since you already recognize/ have experienced some of the negative traits/ behaviors perpetrated by an alcoholic, I doubt that you'd find yourself becoming one too, but it's always better to learn as much as you can so as to best prepare yourself against it. Many children of alcoholics never drink throughout their entire lives: bad memories and fear of becoming same. Good luck! :-)


Jeremy Strang 7

You probably felt sick from subjecting yourself to a program based on manipulating people through fear, shame, and guilt. If you're genuinely worried about addiction, get help from actual addiction specialists with medical degrees. Not religious programs designed to foster dependence. 12-step programs have the highest rate of relapse among any addiction program.

At least you have the right name for it! I don’t know if they let in pre-alcoholics. “I’m Jim, and I’m genetically predisposed to become an alcoholic..,” Nah, I don’t think so.

Have you attended any Al-Anon meetings (held worldwide) for family members, relatives, & friends of alcoholics to explain their behaviors and to teach you how to adjust your own thinking/ behaviors accordingly for your own sake (and hopefully theirs - if they choose to do so)? I'm sure that they must also address the fear of becoming an alcoholic while living with one. However, since you already recognize/ have experienced some of the negative traits/ behaviors perpetrated by an alcoholic, I doubt that you'd find yourself becoming one too, but it's always better to learn as much as you can so as to best prepare yourself against it. Many children of alcoholics never drink throughout their entire lives: bad memories and fear of becoming same. Good luck! :-)