By Nate - 12/01/2012 05:36 - United States

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because I have never read any of the Harry Potter books. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 776
You deserved it 59 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Could've been worse OP. It could've been the Twilight series. *shudders*

thesunsetglow_fml 8

183 - Your picture is of you shirtless in a bathroom mirror. You really aren't in a position to judge how shallow a person is.


its a stupid reason for dumping someone, but how the hell have you never heard of harry potter

He didn't say he'd never heard of the books; he said he'd never read them. Which is a good decision, since they suck.

YDI for dating such an immature girl. The fact that she reads children's books in the first place should have been the tip off.

ajourdhui 0

How is reading 7 books immature? You've obviously never read the books before so I'll excuse your ignorance. Even if you deem them children's books, you must remember that they're legendary and that the HP franchise has done a lot for people of all ages.

Just because something is famous doesn't mean it's actually good. And they're intended for children, so yes, they are indeed children's books.

She's immature because she dumped someone over such a crappy and childish reason.

EvilDave 13

Looks like you dodged a bullet there OP.

It's a good thing. Sucks in the short term, but she's clearly got issues you don't need to deal with

bowl1991 7

So... uh, can I have her number? :P

What're you talking about? You probably couldn't get a guy yourself if you're obsessed with a book series.

Seriously people? You're seriously going to give OP YDI just cause he hasn't read a Harry Potter book? Not everyone in the whole world has to read those books. Maybe he didn't have time? Maybe he couldn't afford one?