By Ramis182 - 16/12/2013 08:52 - United States - Auburn

Today, I thought it would be to a good idea to introduce my indoor cat to my dog. The pee stains, multiple scratches, and puncture wounds to my face prove otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 987
You deserved it 10 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

Well of course you've got puncture wounds. You peed on her and scratched her. Poor cat.


Well what was the matter? Cat got her tongue?

friedpwnadge 25

"I thought it would be a good idea" Famous last words.

jazzy_123 20

really #1? You got the first comment of the post and you come up with a pun that is completely irrelevant to the FML. Way to go. On another note, sorry about that Op. They'll come around sooner or later... hopefully.

@9. Main thing I learn from this website. If it sounds like a good idea don't do it. If it sounds like a bad idea however, go for it. Only things that will go wrong were things you were expecting anyway.

it wasn't irrelevant, and in the scope of life and its entirety, having the #1 post on a single FML is hardly a feat worth celebrating or lamenting, nevermind worth winning the approval of strangers whom I don't know.

jazzy_123 20

59, you obviously don't have your priorities set straight. Many people would kill to get first comment.... ok I feel some people aren't going to understand so I'll say it, sarcasm!

TheDrifter 23

Well of course you've got puncture wounds. You peed on her and scratched her. Poor cat.

"Fluffy, meet Rover. I'm sure you two will be great frie--GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! MY FACE!!! ******* CAT!!!"

XBurytheCastleX 25
JMichael 25

You reenacted that perfectly.

How long have you had each pet? Looks like you may need to pick one.

LoopyLuuLuu 7

don't necessarily need to pick one or the other, just keep them sequestered from each other, especially if the dog is an outside dog.

Yeah I'll bet you've had better ideas...

perdix 29

Good idea? Really? Ever heard the expression "fighting like cats and dogs?" That's been around a long time because it's true! I don't think you should introduce your hamster to your snake. There's not a handy-dandy expression to guide you on that one, but go with me on that:)

I don't know about you, but when I introduced a new cat to my indoor dog years ago. The dog was scared like hell of her. The first day was not good for them, but by the end of the week, they came to love each other and the cat would often lay down with the dog.

skittyskatbrat 19

Um, my cat and mom's dog were best friends. She and my dog got along great. She tolerates my current dog (he makes a wonderful cat pillow). The other cat plays with him. If the cat feels threatened during an introduction, yeah, it doesn't go well. If the cat is sitting somewhere up high where it can watch the dog first? It goes much better. Introducing them isn't a big deal but it has to be done slowly and in a way that neither animal is frightened. Through a baby gate has worked best for me. Cats and dogs that don't know each other will fight. Once they've figured they're part of the same family? It's either love or tolerance in most cases!

perdix 29

I had a dog and then brought home twin kittens. He adored them like he was their mother. It was sooooo cute. I'd say more, but it would tarnish the perdix persona :)

RedPillSucks 31

Is this the same cat that peed on your face? Perhaps a nice gold fish would be more your speed.

perdix 29

#12, if you have the dog first and bring in the cat. Dogs can be cool that way.

If you buy and raise them together it can work out...otherwise it usually ends like this.

It worked for me. Took 2 months of smelling each other through a fence... But it's all good now. Other than the occasional swat!