By B-Rad - 15/11/2012 05:48 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she found out I share a birthday with a fictional character who is "untrustworthy" and has a "dark side", so therefore I can't be trusted either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 124
You deserved it 2 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's completely reasonable. I had a girlfriend who's birthday was the same day as Neville Longbottom. Before I knew it, she was coming at me with a sword that she found in a hat and trying to put spells on me. Your ex girlfriend is clearly in the right, OP.

robc32ca 4

You are better off getting out now


Be glad you aren't dating someone that stupid anymore.

jadejazmyn 5

She did u a major favor trust me. loln

Don't mind book worms and how they are obsessed with the characters... But that is not cool

I would like to believe that people just can't be that stupid, but unfortunately it can and does happen. I had an ex that believed dumb shit similar to the op's ex gf. The only difference was I broke up with him, not the other way around. Don't sweat it op; you dodged a bullet.

If birthdays and personalities worked like this, I'd be as funny as Dane Cook.

Ah I WISH it worked like this! My birthday twin is Charlie "tigerblood" Sheen

Skyfoogle 14

It's stories like this I like, as they make me feel better about the stupid bullshit I believe.

MissSpaceUnicorn 5

Can't be that bad, I share a birthday with hitler, minus the year.