By newbornphotog - 03/05/2016 13:20 - Germany - Berchtesgaden

Today, I finally realized I've spent the last 6 years building a business I hate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 811
You deserved it 2 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

Well, it's still something you created and was apparently successful. That means something, right

Sell it and move onto whatever you now want to be doing.


Mathalamus 24

Well, it's still something you created and was apparently successful. That means something, right

A previous successful business would look great asking for a bank loan.

Sell it and move onto whatever you now want to be doing.

mwali02 32

Agree with both of you. Six years of experience with this successful self-owned business will serve OP well in the pursuit of her next dream career. It is okay to move on. Good job OP :)

Well, disassembly should be a breeze if you saved the instructions; just follow the steps in reverse order. It will probably involve a lot of salary take-backs and reverse hirings (e.g. "I'm glad you could make it Bob. I wanted to tell you where you see me in five years and why I should hire myself.")

Took ya 6 years to figure that out huh

Does it make a lot of money? I bet u dont hate money.

Is your business taking photos of newborn babies? I can see why that could get tedious.