Poker Face

By Anonymous - 25/10/2020 23:04

Today, I have to get a thyroid ultrasound. I'm a 25 year-old cancer survivor; it took amputating my left leg to beat the last one. My doctor has dealt with my hypochondria for years, long enough to know his face when I should be worried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 376
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JillianJuneBug 39

Unless a psychiatrist diagnosed you with hypochondria a doctor of medicine technically cannot. years ago I was labeled a hypochondriac by my doctor because of my imagined health issues only to later on find out from different doctors that I really had multiple health issues and that my doctor was just simply being lazy and overlooking basic signs and symptoms of diseases he should have known about as a general doctor. always get a second or even a third opinion.


I was scared when I had my first one. I did not have nodules or anything, just enlarged. I have hashimoto's thyroiditis. it sucks but it isnt cancer. good luck OP.

JillianJuneBug 39

I'm sorry about your cancer, but I don't think you have hypochondria.

you don't think so based on what exactly? edit: though your said did not didn't mb

Unless a psychiatrist diagnosed you with hypochondria a doctor of medicine technically cannot. years ago I was labeled a hypochondriac by my doctor because of my imagined health issues only to later on find out from different doctors that I really had multiple health issues and that my doctor was just simply being lazy and overlooking basic signs and symptoms of diseases he should have known about as a general doctor. always get a second or even a third opinion.

I had thyroid cancer and honestly the cancer aspect wasnt that bad. the issue with thyroid problems is the aftermath. removing the organ and the cancer was the easy part.

coius 23

Sadly, anyone with chronic pain gets called this to when no external source is seen. I know this well with my pain in my back (i destroyed nerves on a job from the discs breaking between vertebrae) but i had to fire my GP due to laziness. If you don’t like the answer. This is what the phrase “Second opinion” applies to. Your GP/Specialist is not the only one that can diagnose. Seek another. I had to do that only to find bursitis was not my arm issue and actually needed rotator cuff repair and surgery on it. So 2x seeking a second opinion helped me. I can help you too. Always do that with major diseases too. Doctors mess up all the time. My twisted left foot is because a doctor lied and told me i had a muscle injury. I broke four bones in my ankle and healed wrong. Case in point.

First—most masses of the thyroid are benign. Second, on the small chance that it is cancer, thyroid cancer is among the most treatable due to thyroid cancer cells affinity for radioactive iodine. Don’t stress—I’m betting it will all work out! (Heck—you already beat sarcoma so this is nothing!)

good luck OP I had thyroid cancer when I was 17. I didn't have to go through chemo or anything like that just a surgery and radioactive iodine. No matter what I'm wishing you the best and I truely hope it isnt cancer. No one deserves that.. <3

I'm so sorry you have to go through all that.