By Ewwwww - 27/05/2019 11:59

Today, while working the register, I told a kid his total was $2.15. He then took his shoe off and handed me his money. It was damp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 023
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

It could be worse. I was working the register on a hot day and a sweaty guy pulled his money from the waistband of his UNDERWEAR!

Talk to your boss about puting a policy in place about not accepting money that has been directly touching body parts. I've seen other stores that do that. Thats absolutely disgusting and I'm pretty sure its some type of health hazard as well. 🤢


TomeDr 24

It could be worse. I was working the register on a hot day and a sweaty guy pulled his money from the waistband of his UNDERWEAR!

Talk to your boss about puting a policy in place about not accepting money that has been directly touching body parts. I've seen other stores that do that. Thats absolutely disgusting and I'm pretty sure its some type of health hazard as well. 🤢

Dont put $ in your mouth... Never kniw where its Been.

I generally just assume that every bill has been held in some guy/girls ass crack by a g-string. Popular culture has also taught me that a rolled bill makes the best coke straw. Money's nasty.

Ask your boss to provide rubber gloves. or at least hand sanitizer at every till.

Around here in the summer, stores won’t accept money if it’s damp or came from a sock, underwear or bra. They post signs too. I don’t get it since around here there is also a strip club almost every block on the main roads. So it was most likely already in underwear. Especially the bills with glitter on them.