By clingmaster - 09/09/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of over a year broke up with me. Two weeks ago she complained that I didn't act like I really loved her. I then became more involved and caring just for her to show my love. The reason she broke up with me? Because I was "suffocating her with clinginess." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 815
You deserved it 4 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like she just wants an excuse to break up with you, fine someone better :D

Yeah, sounds like you two weren't right for each other anyways if you had to conciously become involved and caring.


sounds like she just wants an excuse to break up with you, fine someone better :D

I agree, people break up with people all the time, and get divorced, it's not an FML get over it

the_stereotype 0

i agree, she sounds like a bitch. you should have dumped her to begin with.

greatnt249 0

Sounds like she was just looking for a reason to break up with you.

WOW #2 and #3 wrote the same thing at the same time.

Yeah, sounds like you two weren't right for each other anyways if you had to conciously become involved and caring.

Or he was simply trying to be conscientious of the *way* she [seemingly] preferred to be careful. Every healthy relationship that lasts more than 7 years goes thru working out those kinks. It's all about communicating the nonspokens. [Update: Above was in response to what you'd originally typed :-]

people have girlfriends for more than 7 years ? how ?

cucumberfabulous 7

My auntie had a boyfriend for 17 years till they got married

I think she just wanted to leave you and was waiting for any excuse to make herself feel good.

YDI for trying to serenade her with Clay Aiken songs.

LeCielNousAide 7

sounds like she's one of those bitches who want constant attention, and then when they get constant attention they complain about how clingy the guy is. you're better off without a bitch like her, and FYL

There's a word for that; insatiable. Rarely sexual in nature (but great when it IS!).

yourkiddingright_fml 0

You're better off without this whining snivelling snot!

YDI for being a cold, insensitive prick! When you tried to turn on the charm, it came off as phony, forced and contrived. You can't even pretend to be loving without making a fool of yourself. Such a fine, sensitive lady deserves to be treated with care and respect and tenderness. Does she **** on the first date?

Brokenheart_Boy 0

How the hell do you know what happened? Feel free to offer this man your opinion, but your spiteful comments do nothing but show that you've had a bad experience in the past. So have we all. A mindframe like yours is NOT HEALTHY. Thumbs down, no one deserves someone like you.

russianspy1234 11