By Andrew - 23/10/2012 19:12 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting intimate, and I gave her a condom to put on me. She tried to open it with her teeth, but ripped it. That was my only condom. I'm now sitting here watching a soap opera with a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 477
You deserved it 11 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiterOfCola 16

I'd say ask her for a ******** but...


wubbazugg 5

YDI for only packing one, and letting her open it.

Opened it with her teeth and ripped it? Careful puttin your pecker in her mouth she'd probably rip that to.

davek 36

Your life sucks... and your girlfriend, it appears, doesn't.

Good for you, OP, for not letting your desire get the best of you and plow in anyway. Seriously.

Maria_Obligacia 14

Next time, 1) have more condoms than one just in case; 2) put it on yourself.

You should read. . . And educate yourself. PULLING OUT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!! Ugh, wth. . . Do they not teach this in Sex Ed anymore, or do you kids just NOT pay attention!

Maybe they don't have sex Ed classes? I didn't have one in my high school. At least that I knew of anyways.