Silver-brown linings

By Isa - 22/09/2021 11:00

Today, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a couple of weeks ago. The upside is that the diabetic meds I've been prescribed help with weight loss. The takeaway? Diarrhea. Lots and lots of diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 887
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people think it's funny But it's really hot and runny ... Everybody!

That Metformin will do that. see if you can get glipizide or tradjenta. Metformin does the same thing to me.


That Metformin will do that. see if you can get glipizide or tradjenta. Metformin does the same thing to me.

The diarrhea should only last the first week. That is what happened to me. I feel ya.

Some people think it's funny But it's really hot and runny ... Everybody!

You should try slow/extented release version of metformin (e.g. Glucophage XR), it is supposed to have less frequent side effects (thought can be a bit more expensive). If it does not improve, then, unfortunately, you have to try other medication(s). There are many of them available, so the treatment can be tailored to your needs.