By Anonymous - 02/10/2010 01:52 - United States

Today, my friends are going to see "The Social Network". They talked about it all through dinner, even though I was sitting right there and I hadn't been invited. When I asked about it, one of them said, "You wouldn't be interested", presumably because I don't use Facebook. He doesn't either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 715
You deserved it 3 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to 'de-friend' some of these jerks!

Who the %#%$ would make a movie about Facebook??? A movie about FML would be a lot better :). I envision a movie filled with a bunch of random skits like some guy having his bike stolen moments after buying a bike lock, a guy getting kicked in the junk after proclaiming that he's Iron Man, and a girl who has her birthday at a bar but texts the wrong address causing everybody to show up at a computer store. It'd be like Jackass but you know... better.


Punctuation belongs INSIDE the quotation marks, not outside. If you've ever read a book with quotes in it, you'd know that.

A- I think you know what I'm going to say. GET A LIFE B- In english (hint being from England) the full stop would only be inside the quotation marks if the entire sentence was. And commas always go outside quotation marks for dialogue But Anywas I could be wrong about B, but A is certainly something you should consider. Oh shit now i'm flaming someone on fml too.... hmmm

You deserve it. If they said you wouldn't be interested, you could have spoken up and said, "Actually, I am interested. I'd like to come." If they refused after that, then this would be an FML. As it is, you're just whiny with no backbone.

It's a group of (presumably) your friends. You shouldn't need a specific invite unless they're celebrating something, or they're carpooling and space is limited. Just say "I think I'll come see what the fuss is about," tag along, and FFS, don't bitch about facebook while you're there.

Oh my god Jane, I'm going to disagree with you about something! I hate people who just invite themselves along. In general, I think that if you're not actually invited, it's rude to go anyway. Although for that matter, it was also incredibly rude of OP's friends to talk about their plans in front of her.

Oh noez! Did we tear a hole in the Space/Time Continuum? Or worse-- my pocket?! O.o But seriously, I think it depends on the size of the group. If it's, say, under 5 or so, an invite is probably necessary. Anything over that, I'd consider all bets to be off. But maybe I'm biased, as I've made many good friends through self-invites. I've gotten to know some people only after they randomly tagged along with my group; I might not have gotten to know them otherwise.

I might be biased too, because it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine...

I just reread that last comment of mine, and it was rather horribly worded. Insomnia + pain fog + extra meds = shame on me. *blush*

oh man once our in that zone there is no chance :S

coblercool706 2

ha sucker I thought that movie was really good