By CollegeStudent - 26/11/2016 05:55

Today, after being excited and trying to make plans with all my friends, they all turned out to be busy. After watching Netflix most of the night, I check my Snapchat stories only to see them all hanging out without me at one of their houses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 355
You deserved it 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, but it isn't like they lied, just busy without you. I'd find different friends.


Yeah, but it isn't like they lied, just busy without you. I'd find different friends.

Maybe it's time to find some new friends. You're probably better off without them anyways OP.

Those aren't friends. They are now called acquaintances. Sucks you had to find out through social media. Find some new friends and snapchat the crap out of your night to show them you don't need them out their exclusions.

Let's just say that it's not you, it's them..

This isn't how good friends treat each other. My advice would be to either confront them, or just move on and find friends who truly appreciate you!

Confronting is too direct. The only real way to handle the situation is to make a snarky post about it on Facebook.

get a crew together and egg their house

Looks like avoiding you is a full-time job!

My "friends" do this all the time. fake bitches

Been there, OP. A few different times, actually. I would recommend bringing it up with one of them just to make sure you didn't somehow misinterpret anything (although there's not much to misinterpret). And don't hang out with them anymore, they don't deserve you.