By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 00:14 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my friend texted me from a bar, saying they had just called my name in a raffle to win a trip to Aspen, CO. You had to be at the bar to claim the prize. I had left the bar half-an-hour earlier, not knowing they were even having a raffle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 682
You deserved it 4 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you didn't even know there was a raffle, then how were you entered in it? Surely you would remember if you put your name down for something like that?

lol.. you think that's true? ur friends are probably trolling you..


If you didn't even know there was a raffle, then how were you entered in it? Surely you would remember if you put your name down for something like that?

emirie 21

He probably entered while drunk. It is a bar after all

That bar probably has some good drinks.

Goblin182 26

To drunk to remember entering a raffle yet not to drunk to walk away?

It could have gone something like this Bartender: so whats your poison? Op: scotch on the rocks. Shaken not stirred (dont remember original line sorry ) Bartender: also whats your name so we can call you to get it. Op:scotch ted tedderson *bartender writes his name for raffle*

he was probably either just being pranked by his friend or it was one of those 'buy a drink and you get entered in the raffle' type things

Hmm I wonder how you were entered if you didn't even know there was a raffle going on? Not accusing anything, just curious.

Sometimes the raffles are only a few bucks a ticket and are easily forgettable. OP just needs to learn patience :)

They could have been entered into the raffle by one of their friends who wanted to be nice. I have had that happen to me before. It could also have been some weird thing they were entered into if/when they handed over their identification card to prove they were old enough to drink.

Grootensliven 10

Get your friend to claim it for you then

ViRepz 28

Yes, because this fml is still happening right this second =)

am I the only one who immediately thought of dumb and dumber when Aspen CO came up??

No. Aspen is beautiful and has some fantastic skiing. I don't like Colorado but the ski resorts there are pretty great and definitely worth the trip!

astralvagan 20

should have opted for that clone when you had the chance

Ayeasha 7

You should have told your friend to claim it for you as you....unless they required photo ids.

Usually they do to prevent just such a thing from happening. Op, are you sure your friend wasn't just screwing with you, considering you didn't know one was going on?

lol.. you think that's true? ur friends are probably trolling you..

Ayeasha 7

I didn't even think about that as a possibility. And it would totally make sense since OP had no recollection of entering the raffle to begin with.

Nolimit2217 32

I think a free trip is worth going back... Don't ya think so?