By Noname - 07/03/2009 17:41 - United States

Today, my friend sent me an instant message, telling me how excited she was that she was accepted to a FIT Summer Program. I told her I was so proud, and that she can finally lose that excess weight. She told me that she meant Fashion Institute of Technology. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 689
You deserved it 70 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greatnt249 0

Your friend brought it upon herself if she said "fit" instead of spelling out F.I.T. Still, you should have asked for clarification on what she meant before saying what you did.

That's a very unfortunate slip xP If she just said the word "fit", it's not your fault, but but if she did indeed spell out F.I.T., you're screwed. And #3, it really is called "The Fashion Institute of Technology" lol.


e_wal329 0

OMG this is soo funny. and seriously i would definatly make that mistake its not your fault. especially nothing to "judge" someone by.

I don't recall fitness programs needing to accept you to be in them. It's not like the read resumes on some obese people and see which ones they like best. I would have to say this is a failure on your part.

atyahoodotcom 0

Guys, theres so many acronyms being thrown around in the world, how the hell is one supposed to know what something means? Give the guy a break. His friend was too lazy to expend a calorie or two to type out the whole name of the school. It was her fault for assuming that #1 stood for a school.

yokiedinosaur 0

honest mistake. you obviously didn't mean it in a cruel way if you said you were proud of her. and by the way, just because you're her friend doesn't mean you can't tell her she needs to drop a few. in fact, if she does need to lose weight, it's best that she hears it respectfully from her friend than cruelly from a stranger.

kandy_fml 0

#12. I agree that there is nothing more annoying that someone who is fat and just bitches all day about how fat they are without trying to do anything about it. THAT is annoying. But if someone is overweight and they are comfortable with their body, there is nothing wrong with that. So get over yourself. You're no better than anyone else. And about your comment that eating isn't an addiction, actually. It can be. It's called an eating disorder. Most people associate eating disorders with not eating enough, but if you eat too much that it becomes obsessive or an addiction, it IS an eating disorder. Also some OCD sufferers can be obsessed with eating. Maybe YOU should get off the computer and go read a book or something. To the sender, this was an honest mistake. You shouldn't feel bad about it.

justshootmenow 0

in NJ? if so ill be across the street at Stevens.. holla at me :D

#27. it's in Manhattan, not Jersey. OP-I lolled.

thats hilarious, i almost said somethign like that when my g/f told me she wanted to go there. i thought it through though haha. oh and dont listen to #12, hes a total dick (and i bet hes fat) or she i dont even know.

edit last post: i meant # 14 not #12

know_your_role 0

i guess your life is bad, compared to the person who's being told she need to lose weight by her friend.