No kidding

By huh? - 23/06/2020 05:02

Today, I was ecstatic that the pregnancy test I took was negative. I went to high-five my boyfriend as I told him the good news. Apparently, it’s monstrous, unladylike and weird for a woman to not want children. When I pointed out he doesn’t want kids either, he said, "That’s normal for guys." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 824
You deserved it 248

Same thing different taste


Whelp. Time to throw out the whole boyfriend.

Well congrats you’re dating an idiot! Also congrats on not procreating with him!

dude, what are you doing with that dude? btw this is coming from a woman that doesn't want kids either

ftpallday666 16

Get rid of him. If he thinks that way he thinks other seriously misogynistic things

ftpallday666 16

Get rid of him. If he thinks that way he thinks other seriously misogynistic things

Well, congratulations on not procreating with this idiot! Keep at it!