By Anonymous - 12/12/2010 20:32 - United Kingdom

Today, after months of dieting, I finally reached my goal weight. Excitedly I told my boyfriend, who gave me a beautiful dress as an early Christmas present. It was a size too small. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 718
You deserved it 5 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

honestly, stop thinking about that shit. you're just going deeper into the rabbit hole. you reached your goal weight! if you can't fit the dress, don't feel insulted; just tell him you can't fit it! problem solved. |the kid|

I laugh a little bit whenever I see guys trying to buy clothes for their girlfriends for Christmas. If it's too small, she'll think you want her to lose weight. If it's too big, she'll think you think she's fat. Or it'll be unflattering. There's a reason women spend so much time in dressing rooms. It takes a long time to find clothes that look good. Unless it's a scarf or a bathrobe, please don't buy it.


honestly, stop thinking about that shit. you're just going deeper into the rabbit hole. you reached your goal weight! if you can't fit the dress, don't feel insulted; just tell him you can't fit it! problem solved. |the kid|

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How to solve all life's problems --- Don't go nuts about the little things, you can't change them If something big happens like getting pasted by an 18-wheeler, you've got a legit reason to go crazy

0opsie 6

Don't feel bad, it's only one size. If you reached your goal weight, you've made a lot of progress. Just tell him you're very grateful but the dress needs to be exchanged.

Your butt is wide, Well mine is tooo Betta watch your mouth, Or I'll sit on youu!

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RedPillSucks 31

Remember that men are notoriously bad at guessing women's dress size. Simply be happy that you reached the weight you wanted

looks like you've still got a couple more months to go!

Yup, if you reached your goal then it's the dress that is wrong. It happens when people buy clothes for somebody else, no big deal. Nobody wants a girl who fits the smallest size of dress anyway, that's terrible. Just exchange it and you'll look great!

22cute 17

Yes Op, so ******* what? Exchange the dress. He thinks you're even more slender than you are.

ohthebloodygore 16

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I'm Zmeilerr and I approve this message.

BryceADe 1

Maybe he saw that you were losing weight kinda fast and wanted it to fit at Christmas. It's not his fault that your goal came before that. Most people don't advertise that they're not their goal weight. How was he to know when you'd stop? Any way, congratulations. I know that takes a lot of work.

austin1414 3

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kcain_mvus 1

Congrats on reaching your goal weight. Just ask for the receipt so you can get the right size.

I laugh a little bit whenever I see guys trying to buy clothes for their girlfriends for Christmas. If it's too small, she'll think you want her to lose weight. If it's too big, she'll think you think she's fat. Or it'll be unflattering. There's a reason women spend so much time in dressing rooms. It takes a long time to find clothes that look good. Unless it's a scarf or a bathrobe, please don't buy it.

Or women can stop being idiots and understand that sometimes a person messes up and picks the wrong size. Why the hell are they reading into this more than they need to? If someone gives me something that's too big or too small, I just assume it's because they don't know my correct clothing size, and help them out. I don't have a breakdown and assume they're trying to make some snide comment about my weight.

you honestly can't understand? Considering the pressure women are always under for their bodies to meet a certain standard, it's perfectly understandable. even if you don't want to jump to conclusions like that, it's hard to keep it from at least crossing your mind

It's never crossed my mind. If a woman is insecure, she'll give in to pressure and start thinking that. I know plenty of confident women who know better than to assume people are making rude comments about their weight. And this so called pressure that's put on women is usually from other women. Women are THE number one critics of themselves, not men. I'm assuming from your comment, then you probably have the same thought process as a ridiculously insecure and paranoid woman.

MuchDance90s 0

that's true..... women are womens enemy

Agreeing with 60 here. It's annoying to see girls freak out when someone guesses their size wrong. Since it's considered rude to ask a girl her size, how do you expect a guy to know? With the advent of feminism, women are no longer obligated to sculpt our bodies to the whim of male fantasy. There are simply too many women who still want to, and they're the ones who put the pressure on us to stay stick-thin and painted. Screw them. If someone guesses your size wrong, just ask for the receipt and exchange it. I like loose clothing, if someone buys clothes for me that are too big I'll wear it anyway if it looks okay. It's the thought that counts!

So? It was only one size too small, it was just a simple mistake. Get the reciept from him and exchange it, and come back to us when you have something worth complaning about.

He probably already threw the receipt out. I haven't met a guy that keeps receipts unless it's for a game preorder lmao

gabrielbaby 9

Your right. It could even be a compliment say she looks that size

You still have 13 days! Cover your mouth with duct tape, hold your breathe, and you'll look amazing in your dress. Oh, and you'll not be able to eat any of that delicious Christmasfood, but: one must suffer to be beautiful.

Why does someone have to suffer to be beautiful? I think that's just stupid. They should be able to feel beautiful by being themselves.

zp5 4

take it back and get one thats your size. problem solved.

memo619 0

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Or she looks skinnier then she really is. Just sayin

kayybby 1

this comment is a sign that you're a complete and total moron. congrats on that one dick head.

Congrats on reaching the goal weight OP ^^ Seriously, exchange the dress if your boyfriend has a receipt... and if he doesn't but you cherish this dress, take it to a seamstress and get it resized.