By stranded - 27/09/2010 05:56 - United States

Today, my friend's van ran out of gas on an expressway off-ramp. After pushing it to the shoulder, we walked to a gas station and got a can of gas. We got back to the van to find that the battery had died from leaving on the lights and hazards to avoid an accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 693
You deserved it 7 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Hazards probably would have been fine, but headlights suck a lot more juice.

...and the kids you had stolen cut the brake lines, right?


I dont see how the battey died from the hazard lights being on, must be a pretty shit car

this exact thing happened to me, only I was on mg way to the airport and ended up missing my flight. yet when I submitted that fml, it wasn't approved lol

YDI. YOu should have paid attention to how much gas was in the tank. and common sense would have told you not to leave the lights on while the car was off.......

A dead battery isn't really an FML... more of an inconvenience. Especially if you have a cell phone. If you have a manual transmission, you can start your car even with a dead battery. Otherwise, find someone with a pair of jumper cables. And get some perspective on the real problems in life.

Seriously? You want to come on here every day and see 'Today, I found out I have cancer. It's terminal. FML' or 'Today I crashed my car killing my wife, 7 year old and baby. FML.' This websites supposed to be funny, not depressing. Most things on here aren't actually an FML.

She's average. "Beautiful" is a little too generous, but at least she'll still need a mask for Halloween.

yuhimjesus 0

I live in Michigan. my friends van broke down. I DEF know these people. haha

wat exit i live michigan also and i was if u lived close by

P1Nk13 7

u really need to invest in AAA

Wow. It's probably wasn't ok for them to call her beautiful, but you didn't have to say that. Haha

nicholasj96 9

One should have stayed with the car and one to go get gas .