By Bird - 21/11/2017 21:54

Today, I woke up, walked outside, and tripped over my dead cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 494
You deserved it 383

Achicken123 tells us more.

I have no clue what happened, she was so young and one day she just stopped doing cat things. None of the vets we went to could find anything. At least she passed in her sleep while somewhere she loved.

Top comments

While it's never cool to unexpectedly lose a beloved pet, I can't help but feel that your cat trolled you one last time by causing you to trip over it in a spot you didn't expect it to be.


exileonmainst 16

First on the banana peel and now this? You just can’t catch a break.

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exileonmainst 16

I bet OP isn’t feline well!

exileonmainst 16

But he just needs to stay pawsitive.

exileonmainst 16

Just to think, alive on caturday, gone on sunday..

There's a special place in hell for both of you dickbags

exileonmainst 16

Now now, there’s no need to get purrsonal. I felt our puns were clawsome if not purrfect. We’re all just kitten around here.

arioch_fml 20

geez Dave? you still haven't learned your lesson from the last time? That doesn't make them feel better!

exileonmainst 16

Paw-don me, I cat speak for anyone else, but I paw-fer to make people laugh (or at least myself). Be-claws anyone can express their sympathies in an un-fur-tunate situation, but it’s a meow-velous thing to make jokes in a-paw-ling times. That’s my cat-titude to life.

It's good to see that not everyone here has a stick up their arse.

We're not here to make people feel better, Arioch. We're here to laugh about how much life sucks!

Haha, well, I’ll bet you won’t forget tor take it inside when you’re done playing with it anymore!

Doctor_Pterodactyl 12

I’m so sorry for your loss. Do you know what happened? Was it old age, or...?

While it's never cool to unexpectedly lose a beloved pet, I can't help but feel that your cat trolled you one last time by causing you to trip over it in a spot you didn't expect it to be.

Not quite as bad a morning tho as said cat.... :-(

It's a sad day when your cuddly house tigger passes away. I've experienced this many times with cats that are allowed to roam free. There's always a car they didn't see coming or some douche that hates cats and shoots or poisons the poor kitties. Worst is if they just vanish and you don't know what happened. You get to say goodbye to your cat, which is sad, but also good because you know she isn't lost or was taken. She's always going to be in your heart. And now, go quick and give another furball a new loving home, the animal shelters are full with poor cats that need a new can opener to look after them.

PhantomCrevan 8

Whoa, hold up there. Let OP have some bloody time to grieve and process their loss before they go adopt another furbaby. It really sounds like you are telling them to replace the cat they just lost, and that's horrible and unfair to both OP and any cat that they adopted.

No. No! That's definitely one of the worst things that could happen. I hope he had just fallen asleep and passed on naturally. If he was murdered or run over I am gonna cry.