By RainyDay - 11/04/2009 18:38 - United States

Today, My friend and I were stopped at a red light while it was pouring rain. We heard a screeching noise off in the distance and thought, "Hope someone doesn't get hit." Someone did get hit. We did. From behind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 331
You deserved it 3 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#9 checking your rear view mirror is a good idea but it won't help at all if you have nowhere to go to avoid someone hitting you. The other driver was an idiot.

nateb1tch 1

well where else would se have gone? into the inersection and get t-boned?


she's probably used to taking it from behind

hit it from the back! from the back!

Nightwing98 22

Very observant. You all get cookies.

Today, I decided I would lose my virginity. By the end of the day, I'd hit some fat guy... from behind. FML

god damn these comments are ******* up today.. To OP: sorry to hear that, hope it wasn't too much damage

it's called, check your rear view mirror when you're at a stop light. either way the guy who rear ended you is always going to be the one at fault so he'll have to pay.. as long as you got his information.. which you did.. right?

nateb1tch 1

well where else would se have gone? into the inersection and get t-boned?

check your rear view mirror sonny. common practice at red lights..