Wow thanks, I'm cured

By LillyLogan - 05/08/2024 14:00 - United States - Dorchester

Today, I went to a pain specialist to get help with my chronic pain. He did not diagnose anything or discuss causes. He then said, "Good luck with that" as I left. Of course, I still got billed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 425
You deserved it 71

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The one thing you can always count on doctors knowing is how to send bills.


I'd be surprised if you could contest the bill. With doctors you're paying for their time. Getting the outcome you want isn't a factor in that transaction. Often all they can really do is refer you to a specialist.

I can understand that but I think OP could contest that they are at a specialist looking to get a diagnostic work up, hopefully leading to a diagnosis. They were there specifically to get looked at and weren’t, therefore the basic expectation of services weren’t rendered and therefore should not be owed. Well, that’s what I would argue anyway..

The one thing you can always count on doctors knowing is how to send bills.

Something is a bit off about this. And it could be one of two things. “Pain Specialists” are the only MD’s allowed to prescribe opiates and other strong pain medications for long term use. Some of them are “pill mills” prescribing or supplying such medications knowing that their patients are abusing the medication. And some people with an addiction to pain meds go doctor to doctor to find someone who will prescribe them - Including to pain specialists… Just possibly either the doctor thought OP was just another person looking for pain meds or the doctor was looking for a bribe… There are conditions like arthritis and other conditions that result in chronic pain. It’s a huge problem that pain meds are sometimes abused. That causes problems in getting the medications that might be needed. And those pills can be addictive even when you start out with legitimate usage.