By Marcella - 24/10/2009 04:49 - United States

Today, my fiance told me he thought it was time that we started to see other people. I'm six months pregnant with his baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 562
You deserved it 4 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolzRaptor 1

I'm sure karma will catch up and take a meaty chunk out of his ass.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry. That's terrible.

WHAT A LOSER. Put the foot down and tell him he'll never see his kid and take 3/4 of EVERYTHING.

Sorry to say, but if you didn't wait until marriage to have a child, you get a YDI from me. I also hate kids though... sorry... I'm an ass I guess.

roskojazzbuttons 0

@ tiancai--youre ****** retarded. Who the **** cares what morals the people on this website uphold. Times have changed and maybe not for the better but stop being a ****** prick and dont try and preach to people from a comment to a post on FML. **** you, you ****** ****.

bluerainbow 0

You could put the kid up for adoption if you don't want it - if you do, at least make sure he pays child support. I can see both sides of this one - on one hand, FYL, because that does suck for you. On the other, YDI for getting pregnant - pregs are unattractive and uninteresting, perhaps he'd just had enough.

Because she totally conceived on her own. The stupidity in your comment is astounding

Hiawassee 9

Um . Pregnancy is not always planned . People get pregnant a lot WITH using protection and birth control and all, so how could she deserve that anyhow ?

@140 too late for abortion @142 ur fckin stupid theyvwere getting married? Myane they were planning so dont judge.

awwe! that's awful!! I feel sooo bad for u!!!! it will eventually work out! :)