By Marcella - 24/10/2009 04:49 - United States

Today, my fiance told me he thought it was time that we started to see other people. I'm six months pregnant with his baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 563
You deserved it 4 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolzRaptor 1

I'm sure karma will catch up and take a meaty chunk out of his ass.


daddysgirl1993 0

Make him pay child support. And every time he has a new girlfriend bring up this, and every story in which he did something to hurt you. Keep doing this until she leaves him so he'll never be happy again.

betseyville 6

Instead of 18 years of child support, my dad has to pay until I am out of college. Including graduate school. Haha.

ProtoBuster_1 5

Y'know, I used to have respect for you, Pimpin88... before you made this stupid-ass racist comment. I, myself, am a black man and am happy to say that I have no children in my life right now (my choice) -- not every black man has left their child/children behind. Something tells me you would run away out of fear, jackass.

Right...I'll be sure to tell my black brother-in-law that he should leave my sister now since she just gave birth to their second child. My god what an idiot you are.

maybe youre a crazy bitch when youre pregnant.

This FML sucks. I like reading about how people do funny and silly things, not about when their lives get destroyed. #83 you are a rotten ****, I hope I never make the mistake of letting someone like you into my life.

While I don't agree with your fiancé, I hey where he's coming from. He can't stand not being the only baby in the family.

thenewbroly 0

Wait like break up? Why would he do that? And im sorry that he did that. You should tell him though about his baby.

Schlampe_34 0're an idiot, she's six months pregnant, so she's almost definitely showing. And I'm pretty sure that the point of the OP was that her douchebag ex fiance is SO MUCH of a douche, that he left his pregnant fiancee. AAAAND...all you people saying YDI for getting pregnant out of wedlock...because she having a child without having a husband first she deserves to be abandoned, she deserves to have to raise this baby alone? This child deserves not to have a father? Really? And I bet you're all Fundy ******* christians that like to troll the Interwebs doling out Divine Punishment and Judgement so you can feel better. Doesn't your God say that it's no one's place to judge but His? All are guilty in the eyes of the Lord and all that shit right? She's pregnant, an innocent child is coming into the world, she was just left, and you all feel the need to tell her what a **** she is? Nice. Thank the Lord for Christian like you in the world. Always keeping our moral compass due North.

**** all yall that called her a ***** because she was about to get married and start her life with her husband and child and yall gonna blame it on her tho its not her fault her baby daddy is good for nothing yall mad as shit yall dont have nobody you could spend the rest of your lives with and be happy with you ******* losers