By pantless - 21/03/2016 18:57 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was written up for being late to work. I was late because somebody in my dorm stole my pants. All of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 486
You deserved it 1 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aerobic_Exorcism 13

I guess someone wanted to get in your pants ;)

Rei_Ayanami 18

May be time to put a lock on your dresser or closet door. Good luck getting them back.


Rei_Ayanami 18

May be time to put a lock on your dresser or closet door. Good luck getting them back.

The pants or the person who stole them >:)

Rei_Ayanami 18
Aerobic_Exorcism 13

I guess someone wanted to get in your pants ;)

Hm, I wonder how this could've happened, but if it happens again don't be a pantsy and go in the nude, like a real man.

Someone wither really misinterpreted the phrase "getting into someone's pants," was incredibly desperate, or has an unusual fetish.

What the hell is with my phone's autocorrect? I meant 'either,' though I don't think that would be the correct word either.

CheekyRaccoon 27

The centipede bandit strikes again. Half man, half centipede, his only intention is to steal your pants and maybe one shirt.

That would work if pants only converded your legs, not also your waist. Save the joke for when someone steals a lot of shoes.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Well, he could've cut and stitch them together to make one long continues pant.

saxaddict122 14

Hey give 6 some credit, at least he didn't make another "get in your pants" joke.

CheekyRaccoon 27

The centipede bandit strikes again. Half man, half centipede. His only intention is to steal your pants and maybe one shirt.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Well this is odd. Sorry for the double post. I tried to edit my comment and it posted the corrected one, while still keeping the original :/

Someone must be desperate to not do laundry for that week

OP had their pants stolen, washing them has nothing to do with it.

I meant the guy who stole all the pants must be desperate to not do laundry :3

Do you own any skirts or dresses? Also, isn't there a campus police or SOMEONE you can contact about this theft? Maybe you could put up some flyers describing your pants' distinctive features, maybe someone will recognize the thief. You probably already have realized you should be locking your door, they could have potentially stolen something much more valuable.

Wizardo 33

Nargles. Perverted one at that.