By Alohaporno - 03/08/2011 18:31 - Canada

Today, my father described my method of hiding porn on the computer as "extremely naive." I don't know what's worse, that he found my porn or that he's better at hiding his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 331
You deserved it 32 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not hard to hide ****. And he's obviously a veteran

YDI for hiding your **** in the folder named "not ****".


johnnie254 7

Back in my day we didn't have ****; we'd have to have sex and then memorize it for later.

icefshng8 9

Oh ya, and 258- calling a girl pretty is not necessarily hitting on her... And what's wrong with hitting on a 14 yr old if Ur around that age anyways?

itsnotover_fml 5
vnjufouds9a 2

A lot of guys watch ****... it's natural...

vnjufouds9a 2