By SwedishBozo - 15/03/2009 01:30 - United States

Today, my family and I were at a restaurant. We're Swedish and love talking about people in our language because no one ever understands here. I decided to comment about how ugly the girl at the next table was. She turned around and goes "Dra åt helvete." That's Swedish for "Go to hell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 885
You deserved it 326 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's what you get for trying to be smart

I did that before when someone thought they were being clever talking mess about me in Spanish. It's a good way to knock someone down a peg.


It's one thing to vent about someone when you need to, but not everyone talks shit about people behind their backs like people are implying. If you have something to say, don't be a coward and just say it so they can understand it... Or maybe you should stop being so shallow and don't judge people based on what they look like.

Hmm, my family is Japanese, and we like talking TO each other in Japanese, because it keeps conversations more private. But we don't talk ABOUT people... Especially if they're right THERE. No matter what, because you never know if for some reason they understand. 8-) It reminds me of when I was at some theme park, and some lady in line behind me was getting way to close to me, so I said something to my cousin about it in Japanese, and the lady ended up being Japanese.

hahaha, så går det, rätt åt dig! You totally deserve that. :)

it is kind a mean, but not a tragedy... pretty embarassing, happened to me a couple of times too...

mylifesucks_alot 0

That's precisely WHY I hate when people speak anything other than English in my country. If you don't have the balls to say it in front of me, in English, then you shouldn't be saying it at all. I think you completely deserved the reaction you got. I personally would have treated you much worse.

lol @ #5 but brush it off man, she was ugly anyway, you did her a favor

I know exactly how the "ugly" girl feels. I get people who are very impatient (I work in a pharmacy) and they start bitching and insulting in Hindi, and they don't know I can understand until I say "Just 5 more minutes! ^_^" in Hindi. I loathe people like you. You think you're the only ones that speak that language?

Hahaha, I do the same except in Russian. Luckily that hasn't happened to me yet..or maybe someone understood me but stayed quiet.