By h - 20/12/2018 00:00

Today, while at a restaurant, my three year old daughter pointed at an African-American girl and yelled out “She’s ugly because she’s black!” Me and my wife got dirty looks for the entire rest of our meal. We have no idea where she learned that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 908
You deserved it 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you made a big show of correcting her and teaching her differently.

Does she go to Daycare? Who babysits her the most? Outside of you and your wife, who does your daughter get the most interaction with? If you ever figure it out, you definitely need to to cut them out of your lives, you don't need some racist teaching her how to become one as well.


Does she go to Daycare? Who babysits her the most? Outside of you and your wife, who does your daughter get the most interaction with? If you ever figure it out, you definitely need to to cut them out of your lives, you don't need some racist teaching her how to become one as well.

I hope you made a big show of correcting her and teaching her differently.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

She had to have learned it somewhere, if not from you, ask those closest to you. Sounds like you have a racist nearby.

Why didn’t you discipline the kid? Or leave? I would never tolerate that nonsense and would correct it quickly and even publicly.

julfunky 29

Who said there was no discipline?

snake_gal 8

the dirty looks... or maybe they only evesdropped the kid

Now imagine if she had said to her kid: “who told you to say that?!?!?” Kid: “you mom! Remember?” Yea that would’ve been even worse! Good thing you didn’t ask her how she learned that. Kids can be devils as well

sparx1_1 12

Very young kids can make some really embarrassing 2+2= 5 observations. Before assuming it has anything to do with race, ask her why she thinks that. At 3 years old, she doesn't understand that people can have vastly different skin colours. Young kids often assume there is something wrong with the other child. When meeting a person of a different race for the first time it's very common for light skinned kids to think the darker skin is dirt. For dark skinned kids it's far more scary, because they often think the lighter skinned person has had their skin removed.

supwitdat 8

It’s also pretty easy to teach a 3 year old about. Exposure is step 1. But hopefully they corrected her and can now be more aware that it needs to be discussed and taught.

sparx1_1 12

Most of the time, we don't realize it's something that we should be teaching our kids until after they do something embarrassing like this.

trevorino 5

You're not born racist. It's taught

ned diggers 14

You are born racist. Everyone is born racist naturally with a preference for their own. The only ones who think differently are Marxists with their multicultural hippy bullshit.

trevorino 5

The only people who believe that you're born racist are actual racist. It has nothing to do with being a Marxist. Stop using Right Wing talking points

Ray_of_Midnight_2 3

"You've got to be taught To hate and fear, You've got to be taught From year to year, It's got to be drummed In your dear little ear You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade, You've got to be carefully taught." --Rodgers and Hammerstein

That’s not cool. You should have spanked her butt right there in front of everyone and took her home to bed without dinner. That should have been a memorable lesson for your daughter. That’s not how a young lady behaves! I can’t believe you just sat there and finished your meal! Be better parents!!

how a young lady behaves?? She is 3! She didn't know any better. It is about teaching her!

ned diggers 14

Your daughter wasn't lying and just proving what biology teaches: loving and preferring your own kind is the healthiest mentality.

You'll find that biology factors in much more than skin pigmentation when it comes to reproductive attractiveness... which seems to be what you are pitching at.

Are y'all not seeing that "Ned Diggers" transposed the initial letters of his "name"?

"Ned diggers"? I could've sworn that I tapped on FML and not iFunny.