By JealousBratMuch - 26/07/2013 00:51 - Canada - High River

Today, my eldest daughter has 'officially' removed herself from our family and will no longer communicate with any of us. Apparently it's my fault that her younger sister is having a baby before her, and she can't be part of a family that 'treats her so unfairly'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 283
You deserved it 4 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AbstraktThoughts 13

Maybe you should help her by officially removing her head from her ass.


I fully agree with your username. You may want to stage an intervention for her behavior, no matter how long she's displayed it.

I say think of it as a blessing but then there is the fact if she does have children they won't be allowed to see you because their mother is a dumb bitch

sugarbear0727 19

Does that make sense to anybody? Oddly enough me and my silblings have had out kids in order of our ages. Oldest sister has three kids; 15, 14 and 12. Older brother has two; 5 and a newborn. Older sister has two; 5 and a newborn(hers were born after my brother's). And me, I have a newborn. Youngest sibling doesn't have kids yet.

hcollins1 18

If she's still young 'kick her out'. She'll come back!

My only thought was she must not know how babies are made... You need a male and a female and parental consent isn't necessary

A mothers' love for her child(ren) is unconditional. no matter what happens, or doesn't happen, a child will always have a home to come back to. ALWAYS. I'm the oldest in my fam, but the youngest female out of my extended family. I'm also the first to hve a baby & MY AUNTY WHO IS 70YRS OLD cracked it coz her son the first born (38yrs) hasn't. my daughter is now 6mths old & she has only just come around. Give it time, and you'll find your eldest will get over herself & her tantrums, and come home & your family will be complete again. babies have a way of bringing people together. :) chin up OP, it'll all come out in the wash.

My best friend came out as gay to her family and she was "kicked out." She received a 'care package' from her mother of all the pictures with her in them or cut out. She was asked not to come back or be there for the birth of her nephew. So, while some parents are not complete assholes, the idea that children "always have a home to come back to" is utter bullshit.

to me thats her parents projecting their parents beliefs, how they were raised. i was taught to accept all, with respect, compassion and empathy. im sorry ur friends parents kicked her out. how her parents were raised have directly affected how her parents dealt with her coming out. because she didnt fit into the mould of what they perceived to be acceptable, they disowned her. after carrying my daughter for 9mths & the pain i went thru & the love i hve & will always have, theres nothing and no one that could make me turn her away. ever. my last post was from an upset mothers point of view, whilst trying to account for her daughters' feelings & behaviour. being both now, its an extremely volatile mix.

still_guns 16

I am truly sorry your eldest was replaced by an absolute numbskull at birth...

I understand somewhat how she is feeling but not to the extent of disowning/ blaming my family.My sister is younger, was not in stable relationship, had no job and got pregnant. I was in a stable relationship, had a great paying job and no kid...I felt since I was the oldest I should have had a kid first.I was jealous at first but then I stepped up to the plate and now have a great relationship with my nephew and now have my own baby girl. Things may seem rough but she will come around.

Like previous parenting FMLs have made me think, the actions of an adult child are their own. OP, you can raise and influence her to your best ability, but her actions are her choices. She is not your puppet - contrary to other posters' opinions, I don't believe your daughters' actions are your doing. I hope your oldest gets her priorities in order. Maybe some time to cool off alone is what she needs. I hope your family isn't dragged through a drama coaster because she wants to be the star of the show. Good luck!

What is it with all the fmls about self centred sisters recently?