By ihatebadkids - 24/06/2019 07:07 - United States - Hesperia

Today, I was uninvited from every family event henceforth, because I finally had it and told my sister that I can’t stand to be around her horribly misbehaved kids. They have screaming meltdown tantrums, throw and break things, start fights and steal. How am I the bad guy? FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 171
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

You aren't a bad guy, they are for not seeing the truth.

You’re the bad guy because you expressed yourself badly. You should be slipping them candy at all times, tell them which stores are easiest to steal from and reveal to the that their mom’s an idiot. You shouldn’t have to fix your sister’s bad parenting, so have fun with it!


You’re the bad guy because you expressed yourself badly. You should be slipping them candy at all times, tell them which stores are easiest to steal from and reveal to the that their mom’s an idiot. You shouldn’t have to fix your sister’s bad parenting, so have fun with it!

courtalex 5

Sounds like your sister has a lot on her hands. Yes, probably needs to parent them more. But have you ever stopped to think that she can’t just say she can’t stand her kids like you can? And after every family event you get to go home and she has to stick with her kids who clearly have some behavioral issues? Maybe instead of saying you can stand them you should of expressed worry and showed that you’re concerned. Then ask what she needs and support her in trying to get her kids on the right track.

Courtalex is one of those terrible parents who don’t know how to raise their kids but doesn’t want to be held accountable for being a parent.

Mathalamus 24

You aren't a bad guy, they are for not seeing the truth.

How old are they and do they have any health issues going on? Or is she a parent who doesn't give a shit and lets them rule her roost and she doesn't discipline them.

You've got the peace & quite it reads like you wanted or desired

If you didn't want to be around them and they're there at family gatherings, not being invited there seems to be perfect.

CPS is for mistreating kids not mishandling them.

So, in other words, she has completely normal kids....I’m sure you’ll be singing a different tune when it’s your kid having the meltdown.

I don't know what type of kids you have around you but the ones I know definitely don't behave like hellions.

...and are you and your kids still invited to family functions? I mean, yeah, toddlers have meltdowns, but you can actually expect some kind of behavior standard that does not include breaking and stealing stuff from children.

ftpallday666 16

Dude it’s no big deal. If you have to distance yourself from your family for your own happiness, then it’s for the best. I know I did and it’s made a big difference.

Depends on how you told her. If you finally had it, you probably weren’t kind with your wording. Nobody wants to hear they are a bad parent and most people won’t tell someone that they are. So they will side with her. Sucks for you, but commenting on someone else’s kid’s behavior is a delicate situation.