By Anonymous - 31/08/2012 10:16 - United States

Today, my drunk boyfriend decided to try to serenade me by throwing rocks at my window and singing a song about how much he loves me. This would have been extremely sweet if he would have gotten my window instead of my dad's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 792
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Samandra 4

Serenading you while drunk is sweet? It would have been a lot sweeter if he was sober. He probably would have remembered which window was yours, too.


mylifesucks_fml 1

am i the only one wondering how old is the boyfriend if hes drunk....?

Inheritance 10

Did he have a Mexican band singing with him?

Samandra 4

Serenading you while drunk is sweet? It would have been a lot sweeter if he was sober. He probably would have remembered which window was yours, too.

#2 at least he tried tho, & that does matters....

Boygenius50 8

I agree, the fact that he was thinking about her even in his intoxicated state is pretty sweet.

At least, he's not drunk enough to sing "As Long As You Love Me" by Justin Bieber. Now, that's an FML. But who's drunk enough to sing any of his songs anyways? OP, it's truly the thought that counts. If your dad doesn't like it, then open his window and keep it open. That's right! Raise that BGE bill!

23- Grammar Nazis will get 25 to life for the assault they're about to put on you.

MikeonFML 17

A lot of guys would like to do this kind of thing sober - but, if word got out they would be made fun of (since she's living with her parents it's safe to assume she's probably in high school). Being drunk makes it less awkward and gives him the perfect excuse.

It's sweet even though he's drunk?? Would be a lot sweeter if he wasn't!

madskittlesftw 5

Doesn't matter, you guys posted at the same time. You just happen to think the same as other people :D

It's the thought that counts right? Ok, good execution helps too.

I thought this only happened in movies.. Hmm, go figure.

They say "True feelings come out when you're drunk" (Or something like that). So at least you know how much he loves you? Then again... He did go to your fathers window.

Samandra 4

Maybe he's trying to tell you something, OP. :o

cynide 13
OhDearBetrayal 25

Reminds me of that one MadTV sketch where the girl had a sexually confident dad who always took her boyfriends.

Even Dads like to be serenaded every once in a while...

hopsinlove17 26
loserboii 11

It could have been worse, perhaps like your dad would have "serenaded" him back for such a romantic gesture.