By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 21:26 - United States

Today, I finally moved all my boxes into my new apartment. I was settling in when my alarm clock that was stashed in one of the boxes began ringing. Two hours and several boxes later, I still can't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 738
You deserved it 5 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you are clearly an idiot.. listen to the boxes.. you should be able to find it.

Unless you're deaf or something, which I'm pretty sure you're not because then there wouldn't be an FML in the first place, just follow the sound! Sheesh.


you are clearly an idiot.. listen to the boxes.. you should be able to find it.

No, don't do something so logical! Pour gasoline over the boxes, then set fire to it! This will really suck when you find out the ringing is in your ears, but oh well!

Yeah... Pretty much. Grab boxes and shove them around the place until you think you've isolated the source.

Maybe the alarm is a projecting ventriloquist.

Unless you're deaf or something, which I'm pretty sure you're not because then there wouldn't be an FML in the first place, just follow the sound! Sheesh.

if OP was deaf, there would be no FML.

Thanks for repeating what I said. [/rolleyes]

IWantLamingtons 4

Listening to that is much better than having the Banana Phone song stuck in your me...

crazy_fool 0

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, Banana Phone! :D

KingDingALing 9

It's peanut butter jelly time! Peanut butter jelly time! Where ya at! Where ya at! Where ya at!

djmigues 7

anything to Justin beiber would suck ! baby baby baby Ohh ):

Dora The Explorer has disproven the method of following noise. Then again, she is also blind and quite possibly schizophrenic.

Dora the explorer is not blind! Is she??

She can't see huge mountains behind her! She needs some blue floating arrow to click on it for her!

I have to assume that OP moved because of that annoying ringing she was always hearing in her old place. Now the new one has the same ringing! Coincidence?

That reminds me of the childrens book "Henry's awful mistake". It's a thrilling read.

pinkpillowz 0

Or the yellow brick road? I'm sure you'd be able to find it while going to see the Wizard with your buddies Cowardly Lion, Mindless Scarecrow, and Tin Man. :3

ydi for having an alarm clock that doesn't use electricity

tmarie21 Do you me an alarm clock that uses batteries or some type of clockgear...

usmcwagner 0

You dumb idiot you deserve for the batteries to be fresh and last for a week

wow you're an idiot if you can't figure out which box it's in.. plus you're an idiot for not labelling the boxes