By bjevilcat2 - 18/10/2010 18:02 - United States

Today, my doctor confirmed that the extreme pain I've been experiencing is due to a kidney stone. My friend decided this was the time to tell me that passing a kidney stone is the male equivalent of child birth. Hello even more pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 268
You deserved it 4 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that sux at least u know what ur wife or future wife goes through

Fortuitous 0

Damn, you must be in a pissy mood. Try and see if getting stoned will help alleviate your pain.


I'm a female who has had kidney stones, and it was excruciating. I couldn't even believe the amount of pain I experienced. The nurse at the hospital told me that she had kidney stones, and she'd given birth, and if she had to choose to do one over again, she would choose giving birth. I guess you cannot say that giving birth is worse unless you've experienced both. Either way, I feel bad for the OP. He has a rough time ahead of him!

cfm 0

It's alright, op. I'm on my sixth kidney stone this year and have two more to go. I feel your pain.

haha it's funny cuz he is gonna be pissing out a stone:)

You don't necessarily have to pass it though, you could always use ultrasound to break it down. Ask your doctor.

jkweenjkwrntjkrw 0

Well, now you know what females have to go through multiple times.

htaylor 1

I am a female that has had 2 children and passed countless kidney stones and have had to have 1 surgically removed. I would in fact rather have another baby than another kidney stone.

has anyone seen the episode of "friends" when Rachel is giving birth and Joey is passing a kidney stone? pretty funny.

um yea it will hurt as much as child birth If your kidney stone happens to be the size of a baseball....

just pretend your in a happy place... hopefully the pain will go away...