
By MoshiBak - 24/06/2022 12:00

Today, our little family business was asked to do a presentation at my daughter's school. When we got there and I saw her' I waved to her happily but she totally blanked me, plus my super strict mom smacked me on the back of the head for embarrassing her by not acting professionally while I was technically working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 784
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

However happy you are in private, when it comes to school events, “don’t acknowledge your parents” is the number one rule for any kid over the age of twelve. It’s not that she hates you, it’s that every teenager thinks their parents are lame. That said, there is no excuse for your mom and I’m sorry.


Aw, that's so cute that a family of midgets can capitalize on what some might consider a disability. Are you in the Lollipop Guild? I'm not sure what it means that your sister "blanked" you in front of your mother and the other children, but that could be any number of crimes and sins!

However happy you are in private, when it comes to school events, “don’t acknowledge your parents” is the number one rule for any kid over the age of twelve. It’s not that she hates you, it’s that every teenager thinks their parents are lame. That said, there is no excuse for your mom and I’m sorry.