By Anonymous - 08/05/2016 08:42

Today, my daughter asked me to take her to Victoria's Secret so I could buy her some "sexy clothes". She's 9. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 792
You deserved it 2 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better go ahead and have a talk with her OP. Maybe she's seen a little too much on the TV/Computer/Internet


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MikaykayUnicorn 36

Please, don't say that. There was a time 14 year olds were forced into arranged marriages and had kids. Kids today grow up slow compared to that.

Garnetshaddow 30

There are still parts of the world where that's true...

#20 Put your comment on a 90's kids forum full of nostalgiatards that believe this generation sucks and kids grow up too fast these days.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

50, believe me, I do. And 33, yeah I know I just blanked for the moment. That's another reason I hate when people say it. I would rather my kid ask to wear a thong at 13 than have to marry them off to a strange man at 13.

Better go ahead and have a talk with her OP. Maybe she's seen a little too much on the TV/Computer/Internet

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I'd prefer not to have my daughter be known as the elementary ****

Mathalamus 24

that's where i draw the line. no 9 year old should have any sexy clothes. even ultraliberalism has its limits. :P

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jfc. stop sexualising a nine year old child.

It's still creepy. The child is 9 years old.

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I understood the joke. People need to take the sticks out of their asses and have a little fun

Understanding the joke and considering it an acceptable thing to joke about are two very different things, 36.

Buckle up. It's gonna get worse from here

I forgot all about those! Thank you for the walk down memory lane! haha

kids are always so excited to grow up!

*in admiral Ackbar voice*It's a trap!

danceinconverse 25

She's probably seen lots of movies and tv shows and more often than not, the females in them are perpetually sexual beings and expected to always look good. Not her or your fault, just explain to her that you don't need to look any certain way. Personally I wouldn't make it about age as much, because then she'll still value her self worth on how she looks when she gets to whatever age you suggest she should start wearing more suggestive clothing at.

Yes. Society ***** up kids from a young age. Girls to be sexual objects and boys to be unfeeling and fit a macho stereotype. Such bullshit all around. Let kids be kids, damn it.

I knew a girl in highschool whose mum only bought her thongs from age six and up, now thats what she bought for her daughter. I remember there were a few girls in my grades 4 and 5 class with lasenza style bras. I found it disturbing, even when I was their age.

I knew a 7 year old girl who wanted to cut her long hair and her mom told her no because boys like long hair better. Ugh ugh ugh