By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 05:07 - New Zealand

Today, my daughter came up to me crying. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that she had a fight with her imaginary boyfriend. She's 16. I raised this child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 802
You deserved it 12 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Tell her that her imaginary brother punched her imaginary boyfriend in the nuts for being such a dick to her, and that he is ready to apologize to her, even though he is not able to give her imaginary make-up sex until the swelling in his imaginary testicles goes down. It's good to have an imaginary brother who'll fight for her -- it might protect her virtuaginity.

spikey818 9

tell her to imagine a better boyfriend


my guess is that Crazy didnt just mysteriously show up in your gene pool with your daughter, so the question is, what level of batshit crazy are You?

Emilyroxx 3

:'( I'm showing imaginary sympathy.

What if your daughter's imaginary BF is the demon from Paranormal Activity??

HeaRTs_Girl 0

#48⁠ and #63⁠: WIN. OP: What the hell kind of drugs is that girl using? ...And where can I get some? XD But really, imaginary friend at five, cute. At sixteen, creepy. Turn that friend into a boyfriend, downright disturbing. Get her help, that is not normal adolescent behavior.

some_shit 0

on the plus side... an imaginary bf could never give her STDs or get her pregnant so if anything u should encourage this behavior =)

tbonea1990 0

good luck with that and just ***** her out for boys or girls ur choice and someone is bound to like her