By anon - 09/07/2011 04:48 - Australia

Today, my daughter asked why there was an X marked on a telephone pole. I told her it meant that they were going to remove it. She started crying and saying, "They can't kill the tree!" She's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 210
You deserved it 7 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parent-"That poor tree has been in tree heaven for a while dear."


bachmed 0

your daughter is a retarded 16 year old

someblackguy 3

haha maybe she was just having a really awsome trip off of somthing

Koolgirl15 0

Well, this is when it's time to send her to military school. Because all she needs to know there is who not to shoot at.

Cowgirl9999 8

Don't have anymore kids :)

WorstLifeLiver19 0

These are getting lamer and lamer....FML.

probably on her period.. stuff like that happens then.

that kid is a special kind of stupid. and OP, be proud, you raised it