By Sam - 09/03/2019 14:00

Today, I was shopping with my girlfriend at the mall at Victoria's Secret. We got separated, after which I saw 3 of my students. I teach middle school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 238
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's nothing wrong with a grown man shopping in Victoria's Secret. What is a little off is three middle school kids being there. Or were they outside, and saw you in passing? Either way, it's okay for you to be there, unless you're one of those creeps who pesters the cashier girl to try on bras because she looks about your girlfriend's size.

There isn’t anything wrong with middle schoolers being there, as middle school is when most girls get boobs, and thus need to buy bras. Plus, VS is huge now for things like sweats, bags, yoga pants, etc. VS isn’t a sex store, I wish people would stop freaking out when they see younger people shopping there.


There's nothing wrong with a grown man shopping in Victoria's Secret. What is a little off is three middle school kids being there. Or were they outside, and saw you in passing? Either way, it's okay for you to be there, unless you're one of those creeps who pesters the cashier girl to try on bras because she looks about your girlfriend's size.

There isn’t anything wrong with middle schoolers being there, as middle school is when most girls get boobs, and thus need to buy bras. Plus, VS is huge now for things like sweats, bags, yoga pants, etc. VS isn’t a sex store, I wish people would stop freaking out when they see younger people shopping there.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Avoid eye contact in class will be awkward indirectly.

I’m sorry you got separated from your girlfriend. I hope your loneliness doesn’t cause you to chase those three pieces of jail bait.

Cyrus00 41

Don't worry too much, you have the power to give them detention.

Bow-chicka-bow-bow! “Hello, my name is Chris Hanson. Why don’t you have a seat over there?”

Wadlaen 23

Well isn't middle school the time when the need for sexy lingerie first occurs for girls..?😕

Why is this a problem? Was she a student as well...🤔