By Anonymous - 08/05/2016 10:38 - United States - Nashville

Today, I've been single for so long, I got butterflies when I went on a date. A date with a character in Grand Theft Auto. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 156
You deserved it 2 664

Same thing different taste

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He said he's been single for so long, not been playing games for so long. Just because he's playing the game, doesn't automatically mean he doesn't have a life. Kinda narrow minded, don't you think?


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It actually is. People make it hard by expecting things.

I think it's time to find a new more constructive hobby. Maybe one that possibly involves actual real life people.

Well theres your first problem.. You aren't going to find a real woman in a video game

That's funny. I actually met my husband on Counter Strike 1.6. I know it's not likely to happen, but it can! ;)

Thats really cool! Well he should at LEAST play online then...

ABlindMan 17

OP didn't necessarily say it wasn't online.

so how do you think she met her husband?

Goku_vs_Superman 17

I saw a post with this exact comment on ifunny

upgradestorm1 20

Don't worry. I've been single for so long, I got butterflies in my stomach when I talked to Piper in fallout 4

cheesecake12 12

Op I think it's time to put down the controller and explore a little. Maybe start with small talk in public or try online dating. Goodluck!

Be careful, some of them leave you when you get a car accident. The outside ones are better..

He said he's been single for so long, not been playing games for so long. Just because he's playing the game, doesn't automatically mean he doesn't have a life. Kinda narrow minded, don't you think?

You're so right #10. I was agreeing with the other comments until I came to yours. A rational mind you have! Advice to OP: Hey why shouldn't a fantasy date be with a character in a game? Enjoy life and look for someone just like yourself to fall in love with.

Because it's a fecking computer program and not a real person with real feelings, real emotions, real life story, or real social dynamics?

I react the same way with Garrus from Mass Effect.