By BrokebyKids - 06/09/2010 20:26 - United States

Today, my daughter asked for a dollar to buy ice cream from the ice cream truck while I was on my computer working. Out of my wallet she took a fifty dollar bill. The ice cream man got a big tip before driving off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 327
You deserved it 16 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she was young enough to think using a fifty is ok, sounds like she wasn't old enough to be going out to the truck alone, so.... yup this ones on you OP.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

CHASE AFTER HIM AND GET YOUR MONEY! Or 49 more Popsicles.. your choice.


my sister did that b4 with a 20$ but the ice cream man just gave her $19 in change. she was like 5

you let your daughter go out there alone?

agree with 32, she must be young if she took 50 dollars and didn't realize. now she just got some surprise buttsecks from that happy ice cream man :)

hockeyplayer82 0

you should carry cash around. it's better than credit or debit cards

At least he took the money and not your child. Crazy people out here

and also, @38, It's kinda easy to mix up a $1 bill and a $50 bill, they're all the same colour! I've don't it before...:P

ChelseaXD 0
JillianlikesVogu 0

I hope that bitch enjoys her 50$ popsickle.

Υdi for letting her get into your wallet

in Canada u will never have that problem cuz we don't have 1 dollar bills ;)


get the icecream man's fingerprint off the icecream wrapper, track him down, go over there and shoot him in the eye, take your $50 (plus more), and take his icecream truck.

couldve been worse, she couldve taken your credit card

sourgirl101 28

90 umm I don't think ice cream trucks take credit cards.(: OP $50 lesson for you!

98: I know, but he couldve and he couldve bought stuff with it

umm 98 the ice cream guy could have stolen he credit card dumb ass

rohosoccer08 1

that's a horrible ice cream man to not give the kid her change.... but I'm agreeing with those of you who said the kid shouldn't have gone out on her own either

TaylorTotsYumm 10

CHASE AFTER HIM AND GET YOUR MONEY! Or 49 more Popsicles.. your choice.

WhyTheFace4 0
FYLDeep 25

More like 20 more Popsicles with the price of them nowadays.

darude908 1

yea that's a tough one. if the OP is a woman she might just take the popsicles lol

If op is gay then he would definitely take the Popsicles. Sorry in advance if I offend anyone.

johnnie99 0

I think it's a little too late

JillianlikesVogu 0

Or become a card dealer. We get tips like that every day :D

hahafylop 4

I got a 100 dollar tip once....

If she was young enough to think using a fifty is ok, sounds like she wasn't old enough to be going out to the truck alone, so.... yup this ones on you OP.

rockmetal0712 0
Tasanasanta 0

She is lucky the icecream man didn't take more tgan the fifty O.o

my2centsworth 15
caliangel 0

I agree!! She could've been kidnapped!!

jvoorhees 0

yeah chase him down, and get it back

Jiraiya72 0

Give your daughter a big slap.

Mimorie17 12

I wish the ice cream truck came 2 my neighborhood.! :(

xshadyshadow 0

Off topic, but... You're pretty. =] Here's a flower. haha

Anti666 17

teach your daughter to count money

this wouldn't happen if you told her NO. kids shouldn't get everything they want. keep it up, and see how she is when she's 12.