By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 18:30 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my date took me to visit his farm. As we were walking, a wild rabbit darted past me and startled me. I tripped and fell face first into cow dung. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 728
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste


UserError94 18

*Thwangggg* Sorry, used a bow

If you're gonna do it, don't half-ass it. You gotta say "That's a shitty situation," and be prepared for the consequences.

UserError94 18

"And that's not the only pie I received that day kids! Then YOU were conceived :)"

Mathalamus 24

ew. i hope your date help you out of that mess. stupid rabbit.

I'm guessing you guys didn't meet on farmers only, but hang on tight op, he might be the one.

ulissey_fml 22

You met the real Easter Bunny , then you got a free organic beauty mask. I bet he had lots of other nice and exciting things all prepared for you . I'm jealous.

Dang, what a good April Fool's joke. I didn't know you could train a rabbit.