Cool moves

By Juanna - 13/01/2010 08:07 - United States

Today, I went on a blind date. We were walking in a park when I noticed a funny smell. I looked down and realized I'd stepped in dog crap. I tried to nonchalantly rub it off on the grass, but instead hit a patch of wet grass and slipped onto my butt, right into a pile of goose poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 691
You deserved it 4 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank god your date was blind and didn't see it eh? That would have been embarrassing.

so, any bets on how many "shitty situation" puns we're gonna see? this, of course, including variations thereof...


so, any bets on how many "shitty situation" puns we're gonna see? this, of course, including variations thereof...

I guess you could say she was having.... ... a crappy day (YEEEAAAAHHHH)

the dog crap thing isnt so bad, it happens to everyone but the goose poop ist bad at all geese poop is dry and solid, it wouldnt mess anything up, you could just dust it away

SeedlessMe 13

That would be rabbits--- Goose poop does come out wet and mushy ;-)

SeedlessMe 13

And FYL op, but hey-- if she didn't run screaming from that, You've got a keeper!!

detroiter 0

Pointing out the shoe shit would have likely been humorous & you could have then not had to try to sneakily get it off your shoe therefore not fallen in the goose shit.

there are geese out at this time of year? I call fake on this one.

I agree. Geese, in Washington state, in January. Does not compute.

It's possible (but not likely). I live in PA and we have a park that's located down stream from a power plant. The foul there never leave because the water is fairly warm all year round.

grasshoppa 0

Thank god your date was blind and didn't see it eh? That would have been embarrassing.