By Singed - 04/07/2009 17:31 - United States

Today, my dad woke me up by shaking me and saying "If you're not up in two minutes, I'm lighting a firecracker in your room." Thinking he wouldn't possibly set off a firecracker in the house, much less my room, I decided to call his bluff. My room still smells like gunpowder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 361
You deserved it 43 625

Same thing different taste

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Essentials 0

Perhaps you should listen to your father in the future eh? Next time he might stick it somewhere else.


I once lit sparklers inside because as they're sort of just metal rods with a light dusting of gunpowder (or whatever makes them sparkle) I thought, 'hey, it's not like these can smoke that much'. Dear god my room filled up quickly with smoke. It was fun though, and I didn't manage to accidentally light anything on fire. That's what flatting whilst you're at university is for people: trying stuff you wouldn't be able to get away with when you live with your parents.

um if it's a proper firecracker aren't they explosive :/ so it couldve gone wrong haven't you seen ppl who've died from them?

Seana01 0

What kind of nutcase father does this to his daughter to make her get outta bed??? What an ass!!

That is Epic! I'm totally going to do that to my friends >:)

Krista19 1

my mom would kill (not literally) my dad if he ever did that.

officialsucker 0

LMAAAOOO XD XD Favorited !! ur dads awesome !! :P:P

scott_m319 0

Whoa! I would sit up just to watch!